The Repair Association

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Unpacking California's SB 244

SB 244 – the “Right to Repair Act” is a Done Deal. Its only a day away from being sent to the Governor for his signature.

Time to unpack the law and its implications:

This law is mostly grounded in the principle that when you buy something – its yours to use, fix, or resell as you like. The legislature made political choices along the way about which kinds of equipment should be covered by this law – and its no surprise that the business interests of Silicon Valley were considered. Some of the details are less robust than in Minnesota, other details are more comprehensive than New York. Whole categories of equipment were exempted in order to fight only a few 800-lb gorillas at a time.

Similar choices were made in Colorado, New York, and Minnesota. California is a very big state and has outsize influence in policy, but is still only one of many. More states are going to make their own political choices. There will be variations – just as there are variations in tax laws, liquor laws, criminal laws, teacher credentials and just about everything else.

Manufacturers seeking consistency on what to do for compliance can do so today. Follow the centuries old principle of ownership – and restore policies that recognize the buyer – your customer – is in charge of making choices of whom they trust for buying the service of repair.
