All Wireless & Prepaid Expo
Since 2008, All Wireless & Prepaid Expo has been the premier event for prepaid wireless and value-added services. When it comes to prepaid wireless – from MVNO hosting partners and back-end technology, to top up and retail distribution, no other event brings more prepaid providers together under one roof.
AWPE currently serves all companies in the wireless space, and includes more players than ever from diverse industry sectors, including accessories, repair, technology, insurance, financing, software and more.
On the retail front, AWPE 2024 brought in more retailers than ever, with 64% of our attendees being wireless dealers, repair shops and electronics retailers.
As of today, All Wireless & Prepaid Expo is the largest and most inclusive event for companies in wireless telecommunications, showcasing products and services across all segments and distribution channels.
Build Night PLUS Fixit Clinic
Our monthly Circuit Launch "Open House" evening for everyone, fun for the whole family! Join us every third Friday evening of the month
○ Robot and Electronics Projects: Start a project, continue a project or discover one here: we provide the space, tools and peer learning – you bring your project and enthusiasm!
○ General Repair: Fixit Clinic's monthly residency at Circuit Launch: bring your broken, non-functioning things – electronic gadgets, appliances, computers, toys, etc.– for assessment, disassembly, and possible repair. We’ll provide workspace, specialty tools, and guidance to help you disassemble and troubleshoot your item. First-time repairers and “Fixing Families” are heartily invited. Learn more at https://www.fixitclinic.org/
It's definitely worth a visit if you've never been here: tour Circuit Launch and see all the exciting companies and projects in progress.
– U18s heartily welcome with a participating adult.
– Equipment use outside of the soldering and debugging gear requires certification.
Looking forward to seeing you this third Friday!
Build Night PLUS Fixit Clinic
Our monthly Circuit Launch "Open House" evening for everyone, fun for the whole family! Join us every third Friday evening of the month
○ Robot and Electronics Projects: Start a project, continue a project or discover one here: we provide the space, tools and peer learning – you bring your project and enthusiasm!
○ General Repair: Fixit Clinic's monthly residency at Circuit Launch: bring your broken, non-functioning things – electronic gadgets, appliances, computers, toys, etc.– for assessment, disassembly, and possible repair. We’ll provide workspace, specialty tools, and guidance to help you disassemble and troubleshoot your item. First-time repairers and “Fixing Families” are heartily invited. Learn more at https://www.fixitclinic.org/
It's definitely worth a visit if you've never been here: tour Circuit Launch and see all the exciting companies and projects in progress.
– U18s heartily welcome with a participating adult.
– Equipment use outside of the soldering and debugging gear requires certification.
Looking forward to seeing you this third Friday!
Build Night PLUS Fixit Clinic
Our monthly Circuit Launch "Open House" evening for everyone, fun for the whole family! Join us every third Friday evening of the month
○ Robot and Electronics Projects: Start a project, continue a project or discover one here: we provide the space, tools and peer learning – you bring your project and enthusiasm!
○ General Repair: Fixit Clinic's monthly residency at Circuit Launch: bring your broken, non-functioning things – electronic gadgets, appliances, computers, toys, etc.– for assessment, disassembly, and possible repair. We’ll provide workspace, specialty tools, and guidance to help you disassemble and troubleshoot your item. First-time repairers and “Fixing Families” are heartily invited. Learn more at https://www.fixitclinic.org/
It's definitely worth a visit if you've never been here: tour Circuit Launch and see all the exciting companies and projects in progress.
– U18s heartily welcome with a participating adult.
– Equipment use outside of the soldering and debugging gear requires certification.
Looking forward to seeing you this third Friday!
Dakota County Fixit Clinic
Get items fixed or mended for free and learn useful repair skills at an upcoming Fix-It Clinic. Skilled volunteers help you troubleshoot and hopefully fix your broken items. Be prepared to help tinker with, stitch, unscrew or pry open your items. Clinics build community and reduce the amount of stuff thrown in the trash.
Clinics are held on the third weekend of most months. Clinics are first come, first served. No pre-registration required.

San Diego Fixit Clinic
Bring your broken, non-functioning things: electronics, appliances, computers, toys, bicycles, clothes, etc., for assessment, disassembly, and possible repair.
Belmont Fixit Clinic
Neighbors helping neighbors: fortifying resilient, exuberant communities through conveying basic troubleshooting skills and celebrating repair, Fixit Clinics are do-it-together community-based exploration workshops staffed by volunteer Fixit Coaches who generously share their time, tools and expertise to consult with you on the disassembly, troubleshooting, and repair of items.
So bring your broken, non-functioning things -- electronic gadgets, appliances, computers, toys, sewing machines, bicycles, fabric items, etc.-- for assessment, disassembly, and possible repair. Fixit Coaches (and helpful neighbors) will be available for consultation on broken items: we'll provide workspace, specialty tools, and guidance to help you disassemble and troubleshoot your item. Whether you fix it or not, you'll learn more about how it was manufactured and how it worked, ready to share your new-found confidence and insight with your friends, neighbors, and the community at large. (Hopefully you’ll be inspired to become a Fixit Coach yourself.)
- First-time Fixit Coaches and fixing families are always welcome; sign up at https://bit.ly/inpersoncoachsignup
- Even if you can’t make it: report your broken item at https://bit.ly/brokenitemreport
- Want to try fixing online? Join the Global Fixers Server on Discord where we’re fixing around the clock around the world: https://bit.ly/joinglobalfixers
WHAT: Fixit Clinic 1275 (MCCLXXV) USA-MA-Belmont Belmont Public Library at the Beech Street Center
WHEN: Saturday, November 16 11AM-2PM
WHERE: Belmont Public Library at the Beech Street Center 266 Beech Street, Belmont, MA 02478 617-489-2000
HOW: Register at https://bit.ly/itemcheckin then:
- Bring your broken item with all parts necessary to recreate the symptoms (carry-in only: no oversize items)
- Bring any parts and tools you already own that might be helpful (e.g. hand tools, sewing supplies)
- Come ready to describe what’s wrong and what you’ve tried
- Come ready to learn and to share your knowledge with others
WHO: An all-ages family-friendly event: accompanied children are heartily invited!
COST: Free!
WHY: To make friends, learn and teach how to fix things, and have fun!

Robot Garden Fixit Clinic
Robot Garden is offering free In-Person Fixit Clinics for TriValley residents. Before throwing away any broken items sitting around your house or garage, think about getting them repaired to extend their useful life. Robot Garden is here to help! It’s a great way to save money and to reduce your waste stream. If you're not sure if an item can be fixed or is even worth fixing, stop by and we'll help assess it. Join us for this free event where our “Fixit Coaches” will work with you to diagnose and repair your item. It could be a piece of ceramics, a small appliance, wooden stool, toy, cell phone, laptop or other electronics. We’re able to work on a wide variety of items. LOCATION Las Positas College Building 1000 Classroom 1002 Campus Map -- https://laspositascollege.edu/assets/docs/LPC-Campus-Map.pdf VOLUNTEER Join Robot Garden as a “Fixit Coach” to help repair items. If you like to tinker and learn, this is a great opportunity to meet with other like minded people. We welcome coaches of any age from high school to retired. HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS WELCOME Robot Garden is specifically encouraging high school students to volunteer as Fixit Coaches. We're working to pass on these skills to a new generation. You will be coached on how to use equipment and complete repairs. Note that high school students can get school credit for volunteer hours worked. TOOLS ARE PROVIDED Fixit Clinic volunteers just need to show up. Robot Garden provides the tools, equipment, parts and supplies necessary to do a wide variety of diagnostics and repairs. Are you the DIY type? If so, you are welcome to complete the repair yourself. Tools, equipment, and supplies will be made available. There will be plenty of help around if you have questions or need assistance. PARKING Free parking is available at all locations. QUESTIONS Call ahead if you have questions. Contact Tom Manger at 415-706-8264 or email [email protected] SPONSORS Fixit Clinics have a long history in the San Francisco Bay Area. Visit the original Fixit Clinic blog to learn more. (https://fixitclinic.blogspot.com) Fixit Clinics are supported & sponsored by Alameda County StopWaste.org.
Dakota County Fixit Clinic
Get items fixed or mended for free and learn useful repair skills at an upcoming Fix-It Clinic. Skilled volunteers help you troubleshoot and hopefully fix your broken items. Be prepared to help tinker with, stitch, unscrew or pry open your items. Clinics build community and reduce the amount of stuff thrown in the trash.
Clinics are held on the third weekend of most months. Clinics are first come, first served. No pre-registration required.
Build Night PLUS Fixit Clinic
Our monthly Circuit Launch "Open House" evening for everyone, fun for the whole family! Join us every third Friday evening of the month
○ Robot and Electronics Projects: Start a project, continue a project or discover one here: we provide the space, tools and peer learning – you bring your project and enthusiasm!
○ General Repair: Fixit Clinic's monthly residency at Circuit Launch: bring your broken, non-functioning things – electronic gadgets, appliances, computers, toys, etc.– for assessment, disassembly, and possible repair. We’ll provide workspace, specialty tools, and guidance to help you disassemble and troubleshoot your item. First-time repairers and “Fixing Families” are heartily invited. Learn more at https://www.fixitclinic.org/
It's definitely worth a visit if you've never been here: tour Circuit Launch and see all the exciting companies and projects in progress.
– U18s heartily welcome with a participating adult.
– Equipment use outside of the soldering and debugging gear requires certification.
Looking forward to seeing you this third Friday!

San Diego Fixit Clinic
Bring your broken, non-functioning things: electronics, appliances, computers, toys, bicycles, clothes, etc., for assessment, disassembly, and possible repair.

Western Lake Superior Sanitary District Fixit Clinic
Just because it’s broken doesn’t mean it belongs in the trash can! Whether it’s cracked, torn, stained, missing a piece, or just not working properly, broken things can be made good as new with the right skills and tools. WLSSD is partnering with the Duluth Folk School and Duluth Makerspace to host Fixit Clinics where you can learn how to fix your stuff!
Arlington Fixit Clinic
Hosted by the Town of Arlington Department of Public Works. Come work with a FixIt coach to try and fix a broken item that you bring, including: electronics, small household appliances (toasters, blenders, fans), clothing with tears, bikes, toys, and more. Please bring any supplies you may need to make the repair, we have tools and knowledge to share with you! Space is limited, please register in advance; walk in participants will be assisted as space allows.
Ashland Fixit Clinic
Fixit Clinic is an all-ages, do-it-together activity where people bring their broken household things and learn how to assess, disassemble, and repair them instead of sending them to landfill. Don't toss it, fix it!
Bring in your broken item(s) and participate in troubleshooting and repair with help from our volunteer Fixit Coaches. Bring any parts and tools you already own that might be helpful. Come ready to describe what's wrong and what you've already tried.
Most items (carry-in only; no oversize items) are welcome - clean, mendable clothing; lamps; small appliances; computers and other electronics; bikes; batteries; toys; jewelry; small furniture items, etc.
Please Register for this event. We look forward to seeing you!
Boston (Hyde Park) Fixit Clinic
Fix-It Clinics are do-it-together, hands-on, fix-n-learn workshops staffed by volunteer Fix-It coaches who generously share their time, tools and expertise to consult with you on the disassembly, troubleshooting and repair of your item. Bring your broken, non-functioning household items –– electronics, appliances, computers, toys, sewing machines, bicycles, fabric items and more –– for assessment, disassembly and possible repair. Whether you fix it or not, you'll learn more about how the item was manufactured and how it worked, and be ready to share your new-found confidence and insight with your friends, neighbors and the community-at-large.
Workspace, specialty tools and guidance will be provided –– however, you may also bring your own tools with you if you like.
Co-presented by the Hyde Park Branch Library, Keep Hyde Park Beautiful and the City of Boston.
Fix-It Clinics are staffed by volunteers, if you are interested in lending your technical expertise and tools to help our community reduce its waste and extend the life of useful things, please email [email protected].

Gadget Repair Expo
Meet us at the Gadget Repair Expo in Las Vegas, NV on April 18th!
We’ll be presenting on the state of the Right to Repair in the United States and Internationally, including updates on the latest federal actions being taken.
Reverse Logistics Association Conference & Expo
The 20th Annual Conference & Expo is the premier event for the reverse logistics industry. Find ample networking time in our larger than ever exhibit hall, topics selected by you presented by industry leaders, and best practices shared throughout the 3 days.
Plus, other exciting activities, including:
Women's Luncheon
Industry Roundtables
RLA Excellence Awards
Startup Pitch Competition
TopGolf Charity Event
Soon to be announced Keynote Speakers
Champagne Roundtables
Event Contests (Farthest Travelled, Best Booth, Most Invited Guests)

Oregon Right to Repair Hearing
The Oregon Senate Interim Committee On Energy and Environment has invited iFixit CEO Kyle Wiens and OSPIRG State Director Charlie Fisher to testify on the Right to Repair.

All Wireless & Prepaid Expo
Since 2008, All Wireless & Prepaid Expo (formerly The Prepaid Expo) has been the premier event for prepaid wireless and value added services. When it comes to prepaid wireless – from MVNO hosting partners and back end technology, to top up and retail distribution, no other event brings more prepaid providers together under one roof.
2019 marked our official launch into the all wireless space, adding more players than ever from new industry sectors, including accessories, cable TV, Internet, repair, software and IoT integration.
All Wireless & Prepaid Expo 2021 expanded opportunities for all participants, bringing in a 20% increase in both exhibitors and attendees.
As of today, All Wireless & Prepaid Expo is the most inclusive event for companies in the wireless sector, showcasing products and services across all segments and distribution channels.

All Wireless & Prepaid Expo
Since 2008, All Wireless & Prepaid Expo (formerly The Prepaid Expo) has been the premier event for prepaid wireless and value added services. When it comes to prepaid wireless – from MVNO hosting partners and back end technology, to top up and retail distribution, no other event brings more prepaid providers together under one roof.
2019 marked our official launch into the all wireless space, adding more players than ever from new industry sectors, including accessories, cable TV, Internet, repair, software and IoT integration.
All Wireless & Prepaid Expo 2021 expanded opportunities for all participants, bringing in a 20% increase in both exhibitors and attendees.
As of today, All Wireless & Prepaid Expo is the most inclusive event for companies in the wireless sector, showcasing products and services across all segments and distribution channels.

The Gadget Repair Expo
The Electronic Repair Industries first dedicated Expo & Conference
Network with your peers
Discover fantastic new vendor opportunities
Learn from industry experts
Utilize the Gadget Repair Expo to EARN!

Reverse Logistics Association Conference
Join the RLA for our annual Las Vegas Conference and Expo -In Person February 7-9, 2022 with pre-events starting the evening of February 6 through the morning of February 7.
To make this a more successful event, RLA is requiring proof of COVID Vaccination or negative test before entering the event. Please visit our RLA Health and Safety Guidelines page for more information: https://rla.org/page/health-safety
RLA’s 2021 Las Vegas Conference and Expo is designed to bring RL professionals together for 3 days of powerful keynote speakers, content-driven panel discussions, and an ample amount of networking opportunities. Be sure to check out the pre-event activities too, Top Golf (open to all attendees), Academic Roundtable (open to all attendees), OEM & Retailer Roundtable (open to OEM and

ASCDI Regional Meeting
Please join our gathering of ITAD, resellers and service providers in Long Lake, Minnesota (20 minutes from Minneapolis).
It will be a very casual evening of food, drink and conversations with others in our industry.
The 2 hour event includes food and an open bar.
We have a limited number of seats available.

Vermont House AG Committee Meeting
The Vermont House of Representatives will be reviewing the potential Right to Repair bill in their Agriculture Committee.
Watch here: https://legislature.vermont.gov/committee/detail/2022/8